Sunday, February 28, 2010

Interpreter and Assembler


An Interpreter is the language translator translator for the third generation languages. Rather than generating object code for the entire source code, this class of translators examines and executes source code on a line by line basic. Each line of source code on a line by line basis. Each line code scanned, parsed, translated and executed before moving on to the next line.
“Interpreter is smaller than compiler and facilitates the implementation of complex programming language construct by translating, interpreting and executing each line one by one.”


Computer hardware
is capable of executing an instruction only when it is presented to it in machine language. Therefore, any instruction, any instruction to the computer in any language other than machine language instruction before it can be executed. A program written in assembly language has to be first converted into its corresponding machine code before it can be executed. The translation or code conversion is performed by the computer itself using a specialized software called Assembler.

An assembler takes a program written in assembly language as input (known as source program) and generates its equivalent machine (known as object program) as output. During the process of translation, if any grammatical or logical errors are detected, these are suggested to user so that correction can take before the final code conversion

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